Create a USPS SCAN Form

SCAN stands for Shipment Confirmation Acceptance Notice, which allows the USPS to accept all of your packages with one quick scan of a single bar code instead of scanning packages one at a time. A SCAN form is easy to prepare and a great time saver.

We suggest printing a SCAN form at the end of your working day after any shipping labels that won't be used have been refunded. Keep in mind that you cannot create a SCAN form for prior-day shipments. Best practice is to ensure you create your SCAN forms before 9pm local time.

To create a SCAN form:

  1. Choose All Eligible Packages.

    Endicia History Tab. Create Scan form. Box on All Eligible Packages option
  2. Choose the Ship Date, the Origin Zip, and optionally, you can check the box to Also print instructions and details.

    Stamps Scan form popup. Arrows Ship Date & Origin Zip. Box on Also print instructions 7 details
  3. Click Print SCAN Form.

    Stamps Scan form popup. Box on Print SCAN Form button

Your mail carrier or Post Office clerk will scan the SCAN form with a hand-held barcode reader and all of your packages will be instantly accepted by the USPS. The SCAN form will be returned to you for your records.

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