Create Manual Orders

Manual orders are orders created within Endicia that have not imported from a connected store. You can create a manual order if you haven't connected a store or for one-off shipments made outside of your store.

In Endicia, you can add and edit manual orders, as well as change the status of a manual order. This article will guide you through each of those processes.

Subscription Plan Requirement

This feature is not available for all subscription plans. If you would like to use this feature but cannot access it as described here, you will need to upgrade your plan.

Visit our plan pricing page to see what features are available with our current plans. To upgrade your plan, go to the profile menu in your account and choose Manage Account > Subscription Plan.

Add a Manual Order

To add a manual order:

  1. Go to the ORDERS tab.

  2. Click Add in the Action Control bar. If you have no orders awaiting shipment select the Add Manual Order button, which appears when there are no outgoing orders.


    A new Manual Order will appear in the Orders Grid, and the Order Details panel will open.

  3. Enter the Shipping Address, weight, and service for your package.

  4. Click the Order Details icon when all needed shipping details have been entered and click Collapse Panel in the drop-down menu.


Edit a Manual Order

Manual orders can be edited at any time before printing. To edit a manual order:

  1. Go to ORDERS and select the order to edit.

  2. Change any detail of the order in the Order Details panel. When finished, click the Collapse icon and select Collapse Panel.


Change a Manual Order Status

Sometimes, you need to change the status of a manual order. You can do this in the ORDERS tab.

  1. Select the order to move by ticking the checkbox and clicking Move.

  2. Select the status from the Move drop-down menu. The status options are:

    • Move to Shipped

    • Move to Canceled

    • Move to On Hold


    We have selected Move to Canceled.

  3. Click Move.


    Your selected order will be displayed in the Orders grid when Canceled is selected in the Left Navigation Panel.

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