The Orders Grid displays all the information available for your orders. You can customize the grid so that it shows you only the information you need for your workflow and in the way most useful to you.
Available customization options:
Show or hide specific columns
Move columns left or right to change the column sequence
Sort the Orders Grid by column (available only for certain columns)
Freeze a column so it's always visible when scrolling left or right
To customize your Orders grid:
Hover your mouse over any column header and click the drop-down icon.
Go to Columns.
A sub-menu will appear showing all column options. By default, all columns are enabled.
Uncheck any column you do not want to display in the grid. The Orders Grid will now display only the columns you need.
Select Sort Ascending or Sort Descending to sort the grid by a specific column, like Order ID or Order Date.
Choose Freeze Column to pin any column to the beginning of the grid. Any column you freeze will stay in place as you scroll left or right, so that column will always be visible.
Click and drag any column header to move it into your preferred position.
Your Orders Grid is now customized for your workflow. You can change your customization again at any time.