Favorites allow you to save shipment configuration settings and then use them as a shortcut to quickly configure future shipments. With Favorites, you can save shipment details like weight, dimensions, and service. There is even an option to save the Ship To address if it is an address you ship to frequently.
Favorites are similar to using Order Presets but are available for configuring NetStamps, envelopes, and labels in the MAIL tab.
To add and apply a favorite:
Prepare a print order in the MAIL tab like you normally would. Then, open the Favorites drop-down menu and choose Save as Favorite.
Give your favorite a name.
Check the Include Delivery Address box to save the Mail To address with the mailing details.
Click Save.
You can apply a Favorite while preparing a shipment in the MAIL tab. Simply click the Favorites menu and select the name of the Favorite you want to apply.
You can remove or rename a Favorite at any time. However, you cannot edit a Favorite. If you want to change the settings included in a Favorite, you must delete the old Favorite and create a new one with the settings you prefer.
To remove or rename a Favorite: