Manage Your Payment Methods

You can make changes to the payment methods associated with your account from the Payment Methods settings. This article will guide you through adding, editing, and removing payment methods and how to change the payment method used to fund your account.

Add a Payment Method

To add a payment method to your account:

  1. Go to the username drop-down menu and select Manage Account.

  2. Choose Payment Methods from the Account Settings section.

  3. Click the Add icon.


    The Add Payment Method window will open.

  4. Enter the information for your new payment method, then click Save.


    Now that your new payment method has been added, you can assign it to one or more transaction types in Payment Settings.

  5. Select Payment Settings.

  6. Use the drop-down menus to select which Payment Method to use for each purchase type: Account Funds, Service Fees, and Supplies Purchases.


Once your payment methods have been set up, you can quickly add funds to your balance by choosing Buy More from the balance menu. See our Fund Your Account Balance article for more information about adding funds to your balance.


Edit a Payment Method

You may need to occasionally update the billing address or expiration date for the cards you have on file for your account.

To edit one of your payment methods:

  1. Go to the username drop-down menu and select Manage Account.

  2. Go to Payment Methods in the Account Settings section.

  3. Select the Payment Method you would like to edit.

  4. Click Edit.

  5. Edit the necessary information, then click Save. Please be sure to enter your entire credit card number when making any changes to ensure credit card verification.


Remove a Payment Method

To remove a payment method from your account:

  1. Go to the username drop-down menu and select Manage Account.

  2. Go to Payment Methods in the Account Settings section.

  3. Select the payment method you would like to remove.

  4. Click Delete.

  5. Click Yes to confirm that you wish to delete the payment method.


Change a Payment Method

To change the payment method used to fund your account:

  1. Go to the username drop-down menu and select Manage Account.

  2. Go to the Payment Settings. Your current Payment Method for Postal Account and Online Store purchases will be displayed.

  3. Open the drop-down menu and select which Payment Method to use.

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